We believe that there is still a lot of untapped potential. Here is what we are currently working on:

Logistics and communications with customers

Icon Grünstrom

Reducing the amount of paper used in the picking process

Icon Retoure

Reducing return rates in sales and rejection rates in purchasing

Icon Transporte

Reducing the number of internal transport routes

Icon Transporte

Sustainable transport via slow shipping (longer delivery times due to more efficient routes, transport by train or fewer partial shipments) and shipping to parcel lockers

Icon Verpackung

Packaging: enhancing packaging and shipping bags

Icon IT Prozesse

Optimising external servers and IT processes

Icon Kleidung

Optimising the recycling process for unsold garments & accessories in the spirit of the circular economy

Icon Co2

Providing information about CO2 emissions generated by medimops items, which clearly shows how much CO2 customers save by buying each item/p>

Office & people
Icon Büromaterial

Maintaining the 50% female quota in management positions in Berlin and increasing the percentage of women in management positions in Leipzig and Szczecin

Icon Transporte

Reducing the sickness rate, esp. at logistics sites

Icon Transporte

Additional environmental protection initiatives and raising awareness of sustainability