Whistleblowing System
momox is committed to responsible corporate governance. For us, responsible corporate governance means complying with legal requirements, internal rules and ethical standards, including general human rights. Compliance is therefore an important part of momox's corporate culture. In order to prevent and avoid compliance violations and, if they do occur, to investigate, remedy and sanction them, we have created a whistleblower system through which employees, business partners and third parties can contact us.
Whistleblowers can use our special whistleblowing system at https://momox.confdnt.com, which is provided externally to protect the whistleblower. The whistleblowing tool is available worldwide 24/7, 365 days a year and also allows whistleblowers to contact us completely anonymously if they wish.
Processing is also carried out by this service provider.

In accordance with our processes for investigations, reports - whether they are submitted anonymously or not - are forwarded to our internal reporting office. This has group-wide responsibility for compliance at momox. Irrespective of whether a report is submitted anonymously or not, this reporting office treats every report received confidentially and does not tolerate any sanctions or consequences for persons who submit a report in good faith (i.e. not for abusive purposes). All data submitted to us as part of a report will be treated confidentially and will only be stored and used for the purpose of investigating a possible offence in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
Please note that our whistleblowing system should only be used for reporting violations of the law, guidelines or one of our codes of conduct. General complaints or product and warranty enquiries will not be processed.

Declaration of human rights (German Supply Due Diligence Act)
At momox, we put great emphasis on respecting people's rights and fulfilling our obligations regarding the protection of the environment. It is our vision to make Second-Hand products accessible to everyone while protecting the environment. Respecting human rights and carrying out environmentally friendly business practices are therefore a core element of our values at momox.
We firmly believe that everyone is entitled to these rights, and we are actively committed to promoting respect for human rights within our entire value chain, in collaboration with our business partners. In Addition, we take full responsibility for our employees and take the impact of our business practices on the environment very serious.

To further emphasize our commitments, we have outlined our strategy for respecting human rights and addressing environmental concerns in our declaration of principles. The mentioned declaration can be viewed here. Furthermore, we have implemented a complaints system to ensure that concerns and complaints are heard and addressed. The relevant complaints form can be found here while the rules of procedure for reporting an issue are publicly available here.