Our day-to-day actions – sustainability at momox
Circular economy, say what?

Buying and throwing away

The linear economy model has a harmful effect on resources and the environment. No matter what condition books, garments and other products are in, with linear use, they indiscriminately end up in the trash. The more reusable products we throw away, the more we pollute our planet.

Straightforward reuse

Thomas sells his clothes at the flea market. Sara sells her games and DVDs online. The buyers use the items they purchased until they eventually throw them away or give them away to be reused in the production of new items.

Reuse in multiple cycles

momox takes this one step further and bridges the gap between those who reuse once and those who reuse many times.



We buy items, check their quality and authenticity, and put them up for sale on momox fashion and medimops. And we inspire our customers to keep selling fashion items, books and media until they are genuinely no longer usable. The more care we take when handling works of literature, digital media and fashion items, the longer it will take for products to reach the end of their useful lives. What impact does this have? Flora and fauna benefit, as do the people actively helping to protect them.